What Type Of Ball Is Used For Pickleball? 7 Easy Factors To Consider

Have you ever thought what type of ball is used for pickleball? Don’t worry I will tell you that. Basically, there are two types of pickleball. One is for indoor and another is for outdoor. Both of the balls are different from each other. Usually pickleball ball is made up of plastic, which is round in shape and around 26-40 evenly distributed holes are there on the surface of the ball. The pickleball is actually looks like a perforated baseball.

History Of Pickleball Ball

Before we know what type of ball is used for pickleball, we must know the history of the pickleball ball. In the year 1965, Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum created a perforated pickleball, which was actually a wiffle ball. But over the time the USAPA had circulated guidelines about the material, size, weight, bounce, diameter, no of holes, etc. Pickleball is gaining immense popularity for its unique playing experience, quick pace, etc. which also provide by its uniquely designed pickleball ball,

What Type Of Ball Is Used For Pickleball? The Answer

This is a quick answer: Pickleball uses a soft perforated ball which is made up of durable plastic. Pickleball has a definite material, size, weight, color, no of holes, etc. which is guided in the USA Pickleball Equipment Standard Manuals. There are different ball for indoor and outdoor pickleball games. Both of the balls are different from each other.

Features of a Pickleball Ball

While I was searching the answer of what type of ball is used for pickleball? I found some interesting features of a standard pickleball ball. I think I must share this with you.

1. Material

A quality pickleball is made up of durable plastic. As the thickness of the plastic increases, there is a probability to having cracks, tearing on the surface of the ball. So, It is very important to use a pickleball ball which is made up of durable polymer.

2. Diameter

The pickleball ball also has a definite diameter. The standard diameter of a pickleball ball is around 2.8 inch (7.2 cm). This size of the ball helps the player to play the game uniformly.

what type of ball is used for pickleball

3. Weight

The standard weight of a pickleball ball is 0.8 Ounce (25 gm). There is also a thing to remember that, there is a weight difference between indoor and outdoor pickleball ball. Outdoor pickleball ball is comparatively heavier than the indoor pickleball ball.

4. No of Holes

As I told you before that there are around 26-40 holes on the surface of a pickleball ball. These holes help a pickleball ball to move around the air and provides unique experience of playing pickleball. There are comparatively larger holes on the indoor pickleball ball, as there is less role of air. But in the case of outdoor pickleball balls the holes are relatively smaller. The holes makes to game more exciting.

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5. Color

Generally pickleball is yellow in color. But there is also available different colors like green, red, white, etc. The main purpose of the color is to make visible the ball in both outdoor and indoor conditions.

6. Bounce Properties

The ball of pickleball comes with a controlled bounce. The bounce of pickleball ball helps you to play intense shots. But the bounce property of a ball is strictly regulated by the USAPA. Also, bounce property varies on the size of the court.

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7. Official Approval

If anyone ask you what type of ball is used for pickleball? You must say it is made under the official standards set by USAPA. Each of the features we had discussed below, meets the official standards.

Indoor Pickleball Ball

As I told you before, there is a difference between indoor and outdoor pickleballs. In this section of article, we will discuss the features of an indoor pickleballs.

1. Basically indoor pickleball is made up of softer kind of plastic material.

2. There are around 26-30 holes on the surface of an indoor pickleball ball.

3. As it is made up of softer plastic, it also weights less in comparison with outdoor pickleball balls.

4.. Indoor pickleball ball also moves slower for its light weight property.

5. Indoor pickleball ball is very comfortable for gentle touch and also provides higher amount of bounce.

6. The lifespan of an indoor pickleball ball is very short, as it is made up of soft material.

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Outdoor Pickleball Ball

The game of a pickleball is totally depends on what type of ball is used for pickleball? In this section of article we will discuss the various features of outdoor pickleball.

1. Outdoor pickleball is made up of comparatively harder plastic than indoor pickleball balls.

2. Around 40 holes on the surface of the outdoor pickleball ball.

3. The weight of the outdoor pickleball ball is comparatively more. Because it is made by hard plastic.

4. The movement of outdoor pickleball ball is comparatively faster for its heavy weight property.

5. Outdoor pickleball ball lasts more than the indoor pickleball ball.

6. You can enjoy a powerful, high intensity, long rally game by a outdoor pickleball ball.

Final Thoughts

I hope from the above discussion you have got the answer of what type of ball is used for pickleball? Generally pickleball uses perforated, plastic balls. Which also looks similar to wiffle ball. There are also present around 26-40 holes on the surface of the pickleball ball. But there are few differences between indoor and outdoor pickleball balls. Both of the balls are perfect on their own segment. But always try to play the games with specific balls. Otherwise it will cause accidents. Moreover according to me, you should use a high quality ball for your pickleball game to enjoy.


1. Are there different types of pickleball balls?

Ans: Yes, there are different balls for both outdoor and indoor pickleball games. Outdoor ball is comparatively harder, more weight, less bounced than the indoor pickleball balls.

2. Are there official pickleball ball?

Ans: According to USAPA, there are some strict guide lines of pickleball ball.

3. Why do people like pickleball so much?

Ans: People like pickleball so much for its short duration and unique playing experience.

4. What type of ball is used for pickleball?

Ans: The ball of pickleball is made up of plastic materials (polymer) with several other features like holes, diameter, weight, etc.

5. How many people play pickleball in India?

Ans: Look it is very difficult to say the actual figure. But according to sources there are more than 8000 players of pickleball.

6. Where is pickleball most famous?

Ans: Pickleball is very famous in Florida, UK.

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